Yoon Jeong Lee

Yoon Jeong Lee


E-mail: yoonlee24[at]kaist.ac.kr

   M.Sc. Student

   Hometown: Republic of Korea

   Joined group: 2015


2014 - B.Sc. in Chemistry, Ajou University

Message:Hello~ I graduated AJOU University with a B.S degree in chemisty in 2014.
During my undergraduate study I learned how chemical materials can be synthesized and how they can be used in energy storage. It was interesting how chemistry can be used in our lives. From the education, I got interested in storage and conversion of energy and separation of gas. To learn more, I joined MONA lab. From the research and training in MONA lab, I would like to be a scientist who can benefit others with my knowledge and effort. I am really happy to join the group!

Selected Publications